Yesterday was Tuesday May 7, 2024
EDITION #1305 This issue 5ยข
This is day 129 of 2024

Used News for this is sidebar.php May 08

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Dog Missing For Nearly Two Years

A Tibetan terrier named Arnie who went missing for nearly two years made his way home to his delighted family. Eleven-year-old Arnie, named after movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger, disappeared from the garden of his home near Bantry, County Cork, Ireland, 21 months ago.

His owner Gillian Singleton believed he was stolen for breeding purposes. She said her "happy, beautifully groomed dog" had been playing in the garden one minute and he was gone the next minute.
Her children David, aged 9 and Emily, aged 6, were devastated following the disappearance of their dog and the family immediately launched a full-scale search for him. But despite a countywide search, and contacting animal shelters and dog wardens, Arnie was nowhere to be found.

During the search the family found another stray dog named Lucky who was at death's door and took him in and cared for him. He joined the family cat at the Singleton home. When they thought all was lost with Arnie, he lived up to the famous catchphrase of the movie idol he's named after: "I'll be back."

While the family were on vacation in Portugal, Arnie turned up outside their home in County Cork. They got a call to say a dog that looked like Arnie had been seen by a neighbor hanging outside their house. Family members confirmed it was indeed Arnie, though he was in bad shape and had lost a lot of weight.

"We were sad at the treatment he received at the hands of whoever stole him," said Mrs. Singleton. "I don't know who had him or where he was for the last 21 months." She said she was telling her story so that people who have lost dogs will have hope.

Arnie was introduced to Lucky and the two of them are getting on famously, though both are competing to prove who is top dog in the house.

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